
PhoneHelper quick reference

PhoneHelper.exe is a utility that ships with Go Connect Client for PC enabling certain features of the product to be called directly.

Available Commands

Command (parameter) Description
Hangup Hangup an active call
Answer Answer a ringing call
Deflect (extension) Deflect a call when the handset is ringing to another extension
Hold Hold an active call
Unhold Unhold a held call
MakeCall (destination) Make a call
CallHistory Show Call History window
Presence Show Presence
Contacts Show Address Book
Settings Show config
Phone Opens phone window in the client

How to Execute the Commands

1. Using via a desktop shortcut


2. Using from the Windows Command line

Target = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\CTI\PhoneHelper.exe' MakeCall(xxx)

xxx = number to dial.


Create a desktop shortcut to show address book


Target = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\CTI\PhoneHelper.exe' Contacts

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