PhoneHelper quick reference
PhoneHelper.exe is a utility that ships with Go Connect Client for PC enabling certain features of the product to be called directly.
Available Commands
Command (parameter) | Description |
Hangup | Hangup an active call |
Answer | Answer a ringing call |
Deflect (extension) | Deflect a call when the handset is ringing to another extension |
Hold | Hold an active call |
Unhold | Unhold a held call |
MakeCall (destination) | Make a call |
CallHistory | Show Call History window |
Presence | Show Presence |
Contacts | Show Address Book |
Settings | Show config |
Phone | Opens phone window in the client |
How to Execute the Commands
1. Using via a desktop shortcut
2. Using from the Windows Command line
Target = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\CTI\PhoneHelper.exe' MakeCall(xxx)
xxx = number to dial.
Create a desktop shortcut to show address book
Target = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\CTI\PhoneHelper.exe' Contacts